Warm up your


Not the earth.

Choose infrared heating systems from ETHERMA and reduce your energy needs and costs. The ideal complement to your existing heating system!


Mega trend
Energy transition.
you’re in.

The energy transition is in full swing, also due to political requirements. In Germany, at least 80 % of gross electricity consumption is to come from renewable energies in 2030; in Austria, the target is 100 %. This is accompanied by a reduction in CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. ETHERMA has been playing a pioneering role in sustainability since the 1980s: cleverly combined with environmentally friendly electricity, ETHERMA electric heating systems help to reduce CO2 emissions.

Do you need to take action?
We have the solution.

The legal framework in Germany and Austria stipulates that there must be a minimum temperature at workplaces. Whether in halls or offices. These values are between +17 °C and +25 °C for normal or light work severity.

If these are not achieved when technical possibilities are exhausted, other measures must be taken – such as radiant heating, heating mats and the like. Also in this respect, the infrared heating systems from ETHERMA are the optimal solution. Ideally in combination with PV use close to the building.

With ETHERMA and environmentally friendly electricity, you can increase the share of renewable energy in the overall system, but still use your existing heating system until further notice.

Conventional hall heating and infrared heating in comparison.


Gas convection heating

High energy consumption due to heat losses between hall ceiling and floor.


Infrared heating

Targeted heating of the workplaces, thus lowering the total room temperature to e.g. 19 °C possible.

Heat more precisely
and more efficiently with infrared.

With ETHERMA you can comply with all regulations, at the same time reduce the room air temperature and thus costs, and your employees will feel completely comfortable thanks to pleasant radiant heat.

Noticeably more comfortable.

Conventional hall heaters are usually convection heaters. In order to achieve a comfortable heat near the floor, hot air is blown from the ceiling. Due to the heat losses until the heat reaches the ground, the temperature must be much higher, which means more energy input. In addition, there is the swirling of dust and bacteria. Infrared heat is different: When infrared rays hit solid materials (such as bodies or walls), they are heated immediately. A pleasant feeling of warmth is created immediately – to be compared with a sunny winter day: if clouds cover the sun, you feel cold. As soon as the sun comes out, it is warm, although the ambient temperature has not changed.

Scientifically proven.

The experiment according to Bedford and Liese confirms: With warm walls, people feel the same comfort despite lower room temperature. The subjectively felt temperature is 2 °C to 3 °C higher than the actual temperature. Thus, the room temperature can be lowered without losing comfort. Every degree less room temperature saves about 6 % energy. Consequently, infrared heat can save up to 18 % energy.

Particularly efficient.

Workplaces in halls and offices can be heated much more selectively with infrared than with conventional heating systems. Especially in halls, cold, unpleasant drafts through open doors prevent a pleasant working climate. Infrared heat solves this problem, because the indoor climate is not created by warm air, but by heat radiation. This heat does not change due to air drafts.

Versatile beneficial.

Thanks to punctual infrared heat, you can warm up your workplace in the way you find comfortable. And only if the workplace is actually occupied. Other advantages: fast heat-up time, low investment costs, no maintenance, no technical room, no fuel storage, no complex pipe installation.

Your benefits with ETHERMA.

Save up to 18 % energy through very targeted heating

More comfort and coziness at every workplace

Same comfort even with air drafts through open doors or gates

Ensuring the security of supply

Reduction of the CO footprint

Comfortable heat zones
in every hall.
Thanks to infrared.

Heating halls

was yesterday.

Especially in large halls, heating the entire area is often not possible or simply not economical. ETHERMA has the perfect solution: a spot or zone heating with infrared heating systems. This way, you only heat the areas that are really necessary and your employees enjoy comfortable and cozy warmth throughout.


The right heater for every room height

Depending on the height, furnishings and insulation of the building, ETHERMA offers ceiling heaters for room heights of up to 9 m, but also heaters for the wall. In any case, they are efficient solutions for rooms with large volume.

Spot heating
  • For single workstations in high halls. 

  • The heat radiation ideally comes from at least two directions (overlapping). 

  • Thus, higher heat intensity with lower mounting height. 

Zone heating
  • For larger areas in a hall. 

  • The distance between the heaters and the outside walls should not be more than half of the mounting height.  

  • Ideal for large halls with working and storage areas, to heat only those zones where employees have their workstations.  

In these halls, ETHERMA provides
already cozy warmth.

Reference project
Garage Van Velzen, Uitgeest (NL)

Here ETHERMA EEZ infrared heaters with high surface temperature are used to heat the garage.

In total, 20 infrared heaters of 2 kW were installed in the upper area and 4 infrared heaters of 1.6 kW in the lower area, controlled by 2 thermostats.

The thermostats have a touch display and can also be controlled via a handy app, which makes heating even more convenient.

Autogarage van Velzen Uitgeest
Reference project
Textilsortierzentrum, Steenwijk (NL)

At this regional textile sorting center, dust kicked up by the gas heating system repeatedly caused health complaints among employees.

ETHERMA’s solution was to install 28 EEZ-2000 infrared heaters with a total power of 56 kW. This keeps the room temperature comfortable for all employees without circulating dust in the hall.

In addition, ETHERMA designed both the electrical cabinet and a detailed installation drawing to ensure smooth and fast assembly.


It pays off:
20% less
gas consumption.

Practical example:
Lowering the room temperature.

Calculate with ETHERMA! And thus with more energy efficiency and cost savings. Our practical example shows the savings that can result from lowering the room temperature in a production and logistics hall, with additional electric heating of ETHERMA only for the actual work areas. The total room temperature was reduced from 22 °C to approx. 18 °C. Gas consumption thus fell by around 20 %, or by 39,080 kWh in absolute terms.

Key facts of the project

  • Total area: 1,552 m² (of which production: 688 m²) 

  • Construction time: 1985 – 1990 

  • Hall height: approx. 4.5 m 

  • Production jobs occupied: 12 

  • Retrofit 2021: 6 EEZ 800 W heaters 

  • Heat demand according to building type C: min. 210 W/m² 

Simplified cost-benefit calculation Austria Germany
Savings through reduction of gas consumption (-39,080 kWh) –2,736 € –4,690 €
Additional electricity costs for infrared heating (+5,913.6 kWh) +1,419 € +1,774 €
Investment costs for infrared heating per year (useful life 10 years) +360 € +360 €
Net savings per year –957 € –2,556 €

Average energy prices as of April 2023 excl. VAT. AT: gas: 7 ct/kWh, electricity: 24 ct/kWh; DE: gas: 12 ct/kWh, electricity: 30 ct/kWh


Potential savings on electricity costs
due to the integration of a
photovoltaic system.

In addition to reducing heating costs by lowering the room temperature while integrating electric heating, the installation of a PV system can sustainably reduce electricity costs. A 38 kWp system generates enough electricity to cover the power requirements of the electric heating system in a hall with 12 production workstations, even in the month with the lowest yield.

  • Increase of self-consumption

  • Reduces electricity costs

  • Guarantees higher supply security

  • Contributes to a better carbon footprint

38 kWp plant Austria 38 kWp plant Germany
Production electricity PV system p.a. in kWh 38,000 38,000
Own consumption of electricity (of which electric heating) p.a. in kWh 12,540 (5,913.6) 12,540 (5,913.6)
Savings through own consumption p.a. in €* 3,010 € 3,762 €
Feed-in tariff p.a. in €** 2,037 € 1,910 €
Investment costs of the PV system p.a. (useful life 20 years)*** 2,850 € 2,850 €
Cost savings p.a. in € 2,196 € 2,822 €

*ø Energy prices April 2023: AT: electricity: 24 ct/kWh – DE: electricity: 30 ct/kWh
**ø Feed-in tariff April 2023: AT: 8 ct/kWh – DE: 7.5 ct/kWh
***Simplified calculation example, possible loan interest or further financing costs not taken into account.

All for the hall:
Industrial heaters from ETHERMA.



Industrial heaters

Product advantages

  • Full and zone heating 

  • Hygienic indoor climate 

  • Good heat distribution

  • Robust design 

  • Inclination adjustable 

  • Also for covered outdoor area 



Industrial heaters

Product advantages

  • Full and zone heating 

  • Hygienic indoor climate 

  • Surface structure optimizes radiation 

  • Also for covered outdoor area 



infrared heater

Product advantages

  • Zone heating 

  • Hygienic indoor climate 

  • Robust design 

  • Slim design 

  • Also for outdoor use 

Mounting height 3 m - 9 m 2.5 m - 4 m 1.8 m - 2.5 m
Power 3,000 W - 6,000 W 800 W - 3,600 W 1,800 W
Max. element temperature 750 °C 340 °C 800 °C
Protection class IP 44 IP 44 IP 65
Wall mounting * *
Ceiling mounting
Fixed connection

*Separate accessories required

at the workplace good, all good.

Highly recommended:
Infrared panels from ETHERMA.

Microclimate crucial for well-being at work.

Microclimate is the totality of all environmental influences in a room that affect the heat exchange between people and the environment.

Besides humidity and ventilation, the room temperature is THE decisive criterion. If the workplace is well-tempered, the body does not need to make any effort to maintain its normal temperature of about 37 °C.

Here ETHERMA heating systems make a targeted contribution in the truest sense of the word. And more individually and efficiently than conventional convection heaters, which unnecessarily heat the whole room, stirring up dust particles and bacteria.

Regulate heat individually instead of wasting energy.

Not only for halls, but also for offices and other rooms ETHERMA has the right heating systems for more comfort and coziness. This is because it is difficult to maintain a constant comfortable temperature for all employees, especially in open-plan offices, at the reception desk or in showrooms. With the efficient LAVA® infrared heating panels from ETHERMA, the temperatures at the various workplaces can be individually regulated very easily.

In times of flex office, where not all employees are always present all the time, this is an unbeatable advantage. In addition, the overall room temperature can be reduced, saving energy and costs.

More comfort and efficiency even in the home office.

Our practical LAVA® infrared heating panels guarantee a selective and cost-conscious use of energy even when working at home.

Because it is not necessary to keep all the rooms at the same temperature throughout the house. And it is neither reasonable nor economical to heat a home office that is not used on a daily basis to, say, 23 °C throughout. With ETHERMA infrared heating panels, you can feel the pleasant radiant heat within a few minutes – and that’s exactly during the time you actually use the workstation.

In these offices, ETHERMA already provides
comfortable warmth.

Reference project
Huiskes-Kokkeler Autogroep (NL)

Huiskes-Kokkeler Autogroep is a group of car dealerships with a total of about 250 employees.

LAVA® DESK infrared heating panels from ETHERMA, mounted on the underside of the table, are used to heat the workplaces near external doors and open areas in the showrooms.

Thus, the comfort of employees is increased by targeted and individual heating of workstations. At the same time, energy costs are reduced, as it is no longer necessary to heat the entire premises.


Reference project
Office space (GB)

As a condition of a multi-year lease, the new tenant required the landlord to replace the old convection heaters and night storage heaters with a forward-looking, efficient heating system.

A solution with more heating comfort and lower operating costs was required. In addition, the new heating system should also be flexible in terms of installation position to leave more space for desks and shelves.

The old heaters were replaced by LAVA® STEEL and LAVA® BASIC-DM infrared heating panels. Each room is treated as a separate zone and controlled by a programmable thermostat. The lessor also benefits from the long service life and does not need to worry about maintenance or service costs. Because there are none.


Savings potential by lowering the room temperature.

Study confirms:
30 % less total energy demand.

Achieving thermal comfort more easily.

A numerical study showed that the total energy demand for an 8-person office in an old building can be reduced by 30 % by lowering the setpoint of the room temperature from 22 °C to 18 °C – with simultaneous use of an additional electrical heating for the work areas. In addition, according to a study by the Technical University of Dresden, thermal comfort – despite reduced room temperature – was already achieved with an infrared heating panel with approx. 120 W heating power per workstation. The pleasing result: Operating costs of only about 45 euros per workplace and per year.

Your benefits with ETHERMA.

Low operating costs: from as little as 45 euros per workstation per year

Particularly targeted and efficient heating of office workplaces

Savings potential depending on building type and office size
Variant Savings potential per day**
2-person office, old building, radiator under window, ventilation via window fresh air diffusers 4.36 kWh
2-person office, new building according to EnEv09, radiator under window, window ventilation at intervals 1.6 kWh
8-person office, old building, radiator under window, ventilation via window fresh air diffusers 12.38 kWh

*Assumption: heating period October-April, 22 heating days per month, 1-shift operation, 8 h heating time per shift, electricity price:
30 ct/kWh (excl. VAT), test conditions: Climate chamber with 18 °C room temperature
**Pure savings potential by lowering the set temperature of the conventional heating system,
without additional electric heating

Quick and individual heating:
LAVA® panels for both office building and home office.



The convenient table infrared heating panel.

Product advantages

  • Individual, comfortable microclimate at the desk 

  • Optionally with timer function and 3-step control 

  • No moving parts, therefore absolutely noiseless 

  • Easy installation 

  • Maintenance-free 

  • Made in Austria 



The infrared heating panel for ceiling and wall.

Product advantages

  • Very low investment costs 

  • Easy and flexible installation on ceilings and walls, without any need for tear-out work 

  • Demand based regulation 

  • Hardly any heat loss and maximum radiation 

  • Modern, frameless design 

  • Ideal for allergy sufferers (no dust swirls) 

  • Maintenance-free 

  • Made in Austria 



The mobile stand infrared heating panel.

Product advantages

  • Flexible placement 

  • Integrated electronic control on the device 

  • Targeted heat emission  

  • Modern, frameless design 

  • Integrated fold-out stand 

  • Handle on the device for easy transport

  • Maintenance-free

  • Made in Austria 

Device / mounting depth 15 mm 22/52 mm 22 mm
Power 80 W 350 W - 1,500 W 300 W, 450 W
Surface temperature max. 70 °C max. 120 °C max. 95 °C
Wall mounting Wall mounting set optional
Ceiling mounting Mounting on underside of table -
Connection Schuko plug Fixed connection Schuko plug

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